MA Geography - Advance Geography Of Monsoon Asia (Q & A) One week series (ENGLISH MEDIUM)

Brand: Parth Publishers
Product Code: 2254
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MA  Geography - Advance Geography Of Monsoon Asia (Q & A) One week series (ENGLISH MEDIUM) 

 Advance Geography Of Mansoon Asia 

 This One Week Series is Written in English Language in Question Answer Series According to syllabus of Rajasthan , Jai Narayan Vyas , Maharishi , Kota , Maharaja University.

Syllabus Coverd in Advance Geography of Mansoon Asia

Advanced Geography of Monsoon Asia

Section A.

Unity in Diversity in Monsoon Asia, importance of location, geological structure, physiographic, drainage basins, climate regions, natural vegetation, mineral wealth, population and its characteristics, power resources, agricultural characteristic, importance of Monsoon lands with respect of food stuffs and raw materials, natural rubber lands with respect to good stuffs and raw materials, natural rubber and its world trade, tea, coffec spices, levelopments of transportation and accessibility

Section B


Singapore-problems of industrial expansion, port developments, human resource. "hilippines-population and food problem and development programme, Thailand-problem of rbanization and regional division and development programmes Indoresia-population.densities and its trends, mineral resources, type of agriculture, sugar industry, Burma-regional divisions, agricultural, forest and mineral resources, Hong Kong-urban growth, changing trade ern, industrial development, changing land use pattern, Korea-agricultural and industrial development.

Section C

China state farms and people communes, population and food supply industrialization, changing pattern of industrial complex, Red Basin, the Hwango Ho, Yagize Kiang and Sikiang basins, Japan-Coal resources, water power, conservation of forest, copper production, tea, soyabean and rice culture, fishing industry, motor vehicle steel and industries, industrial belts.








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