MA Economics - Industrial Economics (Q & A) One week series (ENGLISH MEDIUM)

Brand: Parth Publishers
Product Code: 2232
Availability: In Stock
Rs. 65.00 Rs. 130.00
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MA Economics - Industrial Economics (Q & A) One week series (ENGLISH MEDIUM)     

 Industrial Economics


Syllabus Covered in Book (Question-Answer Series)

Section-I Concept of Plant, firm business house, industry and market: Business Organization in private and public corporate sector, Strength and structure of Indian corporate sector, Public sector in India …………. and performance Industrialization and development Backward and forward linkages, Independence of industrial sector Industrial sector in India; Alternative strategies for Industrialization; Capital goods w's Consumer goods; Import substitution v/s Export promotion in newly industrial countries and their experience.

Section-II Location of Industries: Theories and more of location. Location of Industries in India, Industrial project, selection criterion Industrial finance - money and capital markets, development banks. Industrial finance in India.

Section-III Industrial growth in India, Inter regional variations in industrial Development: Industrial Policy in India. Small Scale Industries Industrial Concentration and MRTP Act; Foreign Collaboration in technology imports: Industrial sickness, Policy making for Industrial growth, effective study of the stone cement electronics and textiles industries Industrial development in Rajasthan. 

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