Brand: Parth Publishers
Product Code: OBM/21/10/173214
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Product Details

 BA,BBA-LLB 2nd sem  English for Law (According to Ambedkar University)



SCHEME OF PAPER: MAX. MARKS: 100 MIN. PASS MARKS: 36 This paper shall consist of following two parts ; (a) Written paper — 70 marks (b) Internal examination — 30 marks (15+10+5) Mid Semester Test: 15 marks Project/Assignment:10 marks Presentation: 05 marks The candidate must pass in part (a) and (b) separately. For passing, he shall be required to obtain 36 percent marks in each part, i.e. 25 marks out of 70 and 11 marks out of 30 marks. (1) The question paper shall be divided into two (02) Parts viz. Part – A and Part – B. (2) Part – A shall consist of five (05) compulsory questions of two (02) marks each whereas Part – B shall consist of seven (07) questions. The Candidate is required to attempt any four (04) questions. All questions carry equal marks. (3) The prescribed syllabus includes latest amendments in the subject wherever applicable.

OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The course aims at enhancing verbal and non-verbal skills of law students with focus on Reading skills. The exposure to close reading of different genres included in the textbook would enable them to hone their empathetic skills and study skills and writing skills.


Concern logical fallacies; Comprehension of Legal Texts; Use of cohesive devices (Legal drafting); Precise-writing, summarizing and briefing; Brief-writing and drafting of reports; Essay writing on topics of legal interests; Varieties of sentence structures and verb pattern; Translation (from English to Hindi and from Hindi to English)


Composition Skills: Report Writing; Précis Writing; Notices of General Nature; Essay Writing on recent Socio - Legal Topic(s);


Understanding the Law:

Defining Law; Meaning of Act, Bill, Custom, Laws, Morality, Ordinance, Precedent, Rule, Statute; Nature of Law; Classification of Laws- Municipal Law and International Law, Public and Private Laws, Civil and Criminal laws; Interpreting Law and Role of Language in Interpretation (Use of definitions, meanings of words, literal meaning and contextual meaning.


Meaning of Legal Terms :

FIR, Plaint, Written Statement, Plaintiff, Defendant, Appeal, Tribunal, Divorce, Legitimate, Illegitimate, Adoption, Maintenance, Alimony, Valid, Void, Litigation, Monogamy, Bigamy, Polygamy, Crime, Agreement, Contract, Fraud, Minor, Indemnity, Guarantee, Bailment, Pledge, Libel, Slander, Defamation, Homicide, Genocide, Suicide, Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, Constitution, Negligence, Nuisance, Precedent, Prospective, Mortgage, Retrospective, Summons, Ultra-Vires, Will, Warrant, Public, Private


M.C. Chagla: Roses in December Legal Eagles: The Story of the Top Seven Indian Lawyers by Indu Bhan

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