Brand: Parth Publishers
Product Code: OBM/21/10/173244
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This paper shall consist of following two parts: (a) Written paper — 70 marks (b) Internal examination — 30 marks (15+10+5) Mid Semester Test: 15 marks Project/Assignment:10 marks Presentation: 05 marks The candidate must pass in part (a) and (b) separately. For passing, he shall be required to obtain 36 percent marks in each part, i.e. 25 marks out of 70 and 11 marks out of 30 marks. (1) The question paper shall be divided into two (02) Parts viz. Part – A and Part – B. (2) Part – A shall consist of five (05) compulsory questions of two (02) marks each whereas Part – B shall consist of seven (07) questions. The Candidate is required to attempt any four (04) questions. All questions carry equal marks. (3) The prescribed syllabus includes latest amendments in the subject wherever applicable. OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: This paper continues the search of Indian History during modern times. This is a continuation of History paper in the previous semester and aims at studying development of India through time.


UNIT-I Harrapan Civilization: Extent, Chronology, Town – Planning, Administration, Economy Society Religious Beliefs and its Decline Vedic Age: Early Vedic Age and Late Vedic Age : Political Pattern, Religious Ideas and Rituals and Vedic Literature;

UNIT-II Buddhism and Jainism; Evolution and its Main Teachings, Maurya and Gupta Empire: Political, Social Economic, Judicial and Administrative Aspects;

UNIT-III Legal System in Ancient India: Legal Literature, Role of Smritikaras: Manu, Brihaspati, Yagyavalkya, Narada and Katyayana; The Source of Law, The Concept of Dharma, LawMaking and Law-interpreting Process, Law and Custom, Human Law and Divine Law Administration of Justice in Ancient India: Judicial Institutions, Types of Courts, Courts of the Guilds, Role of Village Panchayats; Initiation of the Procedures; The Trial Witnesses, Pleaders, Concluding State of the Judicial Procedure, Punishment, The Role of the Judges;

UNIT-IV Ghorian Invasions, Causes and Consequences of their Victory; Delhi Sultanate : Administrative Agrarian and Economic Measures of Alauddin Khaliji, General Administration of Sultanate rulers, Cultural, Legal and Judicial Aspects;

UNIT-V Administrative of Shershah Suri, Legal Judicial and Administrative aspects of Vijaynagar Empire, Maratha Administration; Mughal Empire: Political, Economic, Cultural, Legal and Judicial Aspects, Administration of Mughals, Manasabdari System, Religious of Mughal Rulers Till Aurangzeb;

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