Brand: Parth Publishers
Product Code: 2023
Availability: In Stock
Rs. 270.00 Rs. 300.00
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UNIT - I Trespass to Persons : Assault, Battery, Mayhem; Causing Emotional Distress; Malicious Prosecution and abuse of legal proceedings; False Imprisonment; Deceit and Conspiracy; Particular defences available in each of these types. Trespass to Property: Liability for Land and Structure including Occupier‘s Liability; Private Nuisance: Conversion; Trespass to land, Trespass to personal property, Detention and conversion, Passing off; Injury to trademark, patent and copyrights; Public and Private Nuisance; Particular defences available in each of these types.

UNIT - II Trespass to Reputation: Defamation : Libel and slander; Freedom of speech and expression; Defences to defamation; Invasion of privacy and defences.

UNIT - III Negligence and Miscellaneous: Duty to take care and its breach; Foreseeability, causation; Contributory negligence and other defenses to negligence; Occupier‘s Liability; Res Ipsa Loquitur; Liability for Statements (Deceit); Malicious Prosecution and Civil Proceedings;

UNIT - IV Consumer Protection Act, 2019: Consumer Protection; Need, Importance, Objectives; Definition, Concept and Third Party Beneficiary; Consumer Protection Councils; Central Consumer Protection Authority; Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission; Mediation; Product Liability; Offences and Penalties;

UNIT - V Motor Vehicles Act 1988 and The Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act 2019: Need, Importance, Objectives; Definition, Concept, Key Features of the Amendment, Fault and No-Fault Liability of Driver and Owner; Concepts regarding Third Party; Driving Licenses; National and State Register of Driving Licenses; National Transportation Policy; Offences and Penalties, Powers and Jurisdiction of a Motor Accidents Claims Tribunal and Judicial Responses.

LEADING CASES:  Donogue v. Stevenson (1932) AC 562  Indian Medical Association v. V. P. Shantha, AIR (1996) SC 558.  Municipal Corporation of Delhi v. Smt. Subhagwati, AIR (1966) SC 17.  N. Nagendra Rao v. State of Andhra Pradesh, AIR (1994) SC 2663.  Rylands v. Fletcher, (1868) LP. 3 HL 330.

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