Brand: Parth Publishers
Product Code: 2023
Availability: In Stock
Rs. 270.00 Rs. 300.00
Inclusive Tax: Rs. 270.00

UNIT - I Emergence of East India Company: Development of Authority under Charters, Administration of Justice in Madras 1639–1726, Administration of Justice in Bombay 1668– 1726, Administration of Justice in Calcutta before 1726, The Mayor‘s Courts and the Genesis of the Charter of 1726, Provisions of the Charter, Charter of 1753, Defects of Judicial System; Adalat System: Grant of Diwani, Execution of Diwani Functions, Judicial Plan of 1772, Defects of the Plan, New Plan of 1774, Re-organization of Adalats in 1780, Reforms of 1781

UNIT – II The Regulating Act of 1773, The Charter of 1774 and Establishment of Supreme Court at Calcutta, Defects of the Supreme Court; Act of Settlement, 1781, Major Defects, Supreme Court of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras, Judicial Reforms of Lord Cornwallis, Reforms in Administration of Criminal Justice, The Indian High Court Act of 1861, The Indian High Court Act, 1911, The Indian High Court Act, 1915, High Court under the Act of 1935, The Federal Court of India, Privy Council (A Unique Institution), Appeals from India;

UNIT - III The Charter Act of 1833;The Charter Act of 1853; Main Provisions and Defects; Main Provisions of the Indian Council Act, 1861; The Indian Council Act of 1892;

UNIT - IV The Government of India Act, 1909; Minto Morley Reforms; Defects of the Act; Montegue Chelmsford Reforms 1919; Dual System;

UNIT - V The Government of India Act, 1935 (Background); Federalism Provisional; Astronomy; Indian Independence Act, 1947

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