Brand: Parth Publishers
Product Code: 16720
Availability: In Stock
Rs. 65.00 Rs. 130.00
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UNIT - I Hindu Law: Sources, School and Application, Coparcenary, Joint Family Property and Self-acquired property; Karta and his powers and obligations, Religious and Charitable Endowments – Essentials of an Endowment Kinds, Shebait and Mahant;

UNIT - II The Hindu Marriage Act, 1955: Conditions of a valid Hindu Marriage; Its ceremonies and registration, Void and Voidable Marriage : Restitution of Conjugal Rights; Judicial Separation, Legitimacy of Children of Void and Voidable Marriage; Divorce and its grounds; Alternative relief in divorce proceedings, Divorce by Mutual Consent, One year bar to Divorce; Divorced persons when may marry again; Jurisdiction and Procedure. The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006.Validity of Child Marriage; Judicial Responses.

UNIT - III The Hindu Succession Act, 1956: Succession to the property of a Hindu male; Succession to interest in Coparcenary property, Property of a Female Hindu to be her absolute Property; Succession to the property of a Hindu female; General rules and disqualifications of succession, Escheat; Judicial Responses.

UNIT - IV The Hindu Adoption and Maintenance Act, 1956: Requisites of a valid adoption; Capacity to take in adoption; Capacity to give in Adoption, Effects of Adoption; Miscellaneous provisions of adoptions; Maintenance of wife, children and parents; Maintenance of widowed daughter-in-law; Dependants and their maintenance; Amount of Maintenance; Judicial Responses;

UNIT - V The Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, 1956: Natural Guardians and their powers; Testamentary guardian and their powers, De Facto Guardian, General Provisions of Guardianship; Judicial Responses. Partition under Hindu Law: Meaning, Property for Partition, person entitled to sue for partition and allotment of shares, Partition, and allotment of shares, how effected, Determination of shares, Re-opening of Partition, Reunion, Debts – Doctrine of Pious Obligation; Antecedent Debts; Judicial Responses;

LEADING CASES : 1) Shastri Yajna Purusdasji v. Muldas, AIR 1966 SC 1119 2) Bipin Chandra v. Prabhavati, AIR (1957) SC 176. 3) Dr. Narayan Ganesh Dastane v. Sucheta Dastane AIR (1975) SC 1534 4) Dharmendra Kumar v. Usha Kumar, AIR (1977) SC 2218 5) Tulsamma v. Sesha Reddi, AIR (1977) SC 1944

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