Brand: Parth Publishers
Product Code: 17880
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Rs. 65.00 Rs. 130.00
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UNIT - I Different Parts of Statutes; Classification of Statutes; Interpretation and Construction; Literal Interpretation; Mischief Rule; The Golden Rule; Harmonious Construction; Statute Should be Read as a Whole; Construction Ut Res Magis Valeat Quam Pereat; Identical Expressions To Have Same Meaning; Construction Noscitur-a-Sociis; Construction Ejusdem Generis;

UNIT - II Construction Expressio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius; Contemporanea Expositio Est Optima Et Fortissima in Lege; Casus Omissus; Reddendo Singula Singulis; Delegatus Non Potest Delegare; Beneficial Construction; Strict Construction of Penal Statutes; Strict Construction of Fiscal (Taxing) Statutes; Interpretation of Statutes in Pari Materia; Interpretation of Amending Statutes; Interpretation of Amending Statutes; Interpretation of Consolidating Statutes; Interpretation of Codifying Statutes; Mandatory and Directory Enactments; Conjunctive and Disjunctive Enactments;

UNIT - III Internal Aids to Interpretation; External Aids to Interpretation; Presumptions Regarding Jurisdiction; Commencement of Legislation; Repeal of Legislation; Revival of Legislation; Retrospective Operation of Statutes;

UNIT - IV Principle of Implied Powers; Principle of Incidental and Ancillary Powers; Principle of Implied Prohibition; Principle of Occupied Field; Principle of Pith and Substance; Principle of Colourable Legislation; Principle of Territorial Nexus; Principle of Severability; Principle of Prospective Over-Ruling; Principle of Eclipse;

UNIT - V Bentham‘s Theory of Legislation: Principles of Legislation; Principle of Utility (Chapter-I); The Ascetic Principle (Chapter-II); The Arbitrary Principle (or the Principle of Sympathy and Antipathy) (Chapter-III); Different Kinds of Pleasures and Pains (Chapter-VI)Principles of Civil Code: Objects of the Civil Law; Rights and Obligations (Chapter-I); Ends of Civil Law (Chapter-II)Principle of the Penal Code: Classification of Offences: Subdivision of Offences and Some Other Divisions (Chapters II and III); Punishments Which Ought Not To Be Inflicted (Chapter-I); Proportion between Offences and Punishments(Chapter-II); Kinds of Punishments (Chapter-VII);

LEADING CASES: 1) Alamgir v. State of Bihar AIR1959 SC436 2) Bengal Immunity Company v. State of Bihar AIR1955 SC 661 3) Heydon's Case(1584) 76 ER 637 4) K. M. Nanavati v. State of Bombay AIR1961 SC 112 5) Lily Thomas v. Union of India AIR 2000 SC 1650 6) Mangoo Singh v. Election Tribunal AIR1957 SC 871 7) Motipur Zamindari Co. Pvt. Ltd. v. State of Bihar AIR1962 SC 8) Ramavatar v. Assistant Sales Tax Officer AIR 1961 SC1325 9) Ranjit Udeshi v. State of Maharashtra AIR 1965 SC 881 10) Smith v. Hughes (1871) LR 6 QB 597

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