BA-PART-2 Economics -History of Economic Thought (Q&A) One Week Series--Rajasthan University

Brand: Parth Publishers
Product Code: 1997
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BA-PART-2 Economics -History of Economic Thought (Q&A) One Week Series--Rajasthan University

 History of Economic Thought



This One Week Series is Written in Hindi Language in Question Answer Series According to syllabus of Rajasthan ,


Paper-History of Economic Thought

Section -A Mercantilism Views on Trade Money, Prices. Wages and Employment Physiocracy:Natural Order. Primacy of Agriculture. Net Product and Circulation of Wealth. Theory of taxation and role of government. Classical School : Adam Smith. Views on Division of Labour. Theory of Value, Capital accumulation Distribution, International trade, Economic Development Critiques of Adam Smith T.R. Malthus Theory of Population Theory of gluts. David Ricardo. Theory of Valve and Distribution. Foreign Trade, Economic Development and Theory of Rent

Section-B Critities of the Classical School - Sismondi. Robert Owen, Friedrich List. J.S. Mill theory of value. Views on Production and Distribution Karl Marx: Efforts at Scientific Socialism Theory of Money Labor Theory of Value, Theory of Capital Accumulation and crisis Distribution. German Historical School and the Development of Marginalism. Neo-classical School: Marshall-Price Determination and Elasticity. Consumer Surplus costs: Economics Rent and Profit


Section C Economic of Kautilya, Economic thought of Dadabhai Naroji, Mahatma Gandhi, G.K. Mehta, Deendayal Upadhayaya.




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