BA-PART-3 Political Science -International Relations Since (Q&A) One Week Series- MGSU University

Brand: Parth Publishers
Product Code: 2063
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Rs. 90.00 Rs. 180.00
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BA-PART-3 Political Science -International Relations Since (Q&A) One Week Series- MGSU University

 International Relations Since (B.A. Part-III)


This One Week Series is Written in English Language in Question Answer Series According to syllabus of Maharaja Gangasingh University. 

 Unit - I United Nations - its Organization, Working and Critical Evaluation.

Unit - II Cold War - Origin and impact on International Relations, Détente, End of Cold War, Decolonisation and the emergence of new states in Asia and Africa, Non alignment - Objectives, Characteristics and Relevance.

Unit - III Foreign Policies of U.S.A., China, Russia and Pakistan.

Unit - IV Foreign Policy of India and its Relations specially with neighbouring countries.

Unit - V Contemporary trends and Issues in International Politics; Arab-Israel Conflict and Palestine Problem, Disarmament, New Economic and Political trends in Europe, the New International Economic Order; South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC), Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).




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