BA-PART-3 Public Administration - Local Administration in India (Q&A) One Week Series - MGSU University

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Product Code: 2083
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BA-PART-3 Public Administration - Local Administration in India (Q&A) One Week Series - MGSU University

 Local Administration in India (Question-Answer Series) One Week Series


PAPER II Local Administration in India

3 hrs. duration Max. Marks 100

The question paper shall contain three sections . Section A shall contain 10 questions two from each unit of 2 marks each,.

The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B shall contain 5

questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each question shall be of 7 marks. The answers should not exceed 200

words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C shall contain 5 questions of 15 marks each, one

from each unit. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answer shall not exceed 500 words.

Unit I

Meaning nature and significance of Local-Self Government in modern state. Evolution of Local-Self Government in India.

Unit II

The Organisational structure of Urban Local-Self Government in India with special reference to the 74th Constitutional

Amendment Act. Composition, Functions, Powers and Role of various kind of local bodies, Local Administration of the

Metropolitan towns, Muncipal Corporations and their problems of Autonomy and Accountability.

Unit III

Theory and practice of Democratic Decentralisation in India, Panchayati Raj Institutions – Zila Parishad, Panchayat

Samiti, Village Panchayats and Gram Sabha: their organisation and function in the context of 73rd Constitutional


Unit IV

Personnel Administration in Rural and Urban Local Self Government: Recruitment, Classification, Promotion and Training.

Problems of Local Self Government Employees regarding Service Conditions.

Unit V

Financial Administration of Local Bodies in India, strengthening of local resources. Rajasthan State Finance Commission.

Mechanism of control over local bodies at State level. The role of Directorate of Local bodies and Panchayat and Rural

Development Department of State.

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