BA-PART-3 Public Administration -Comparative Administrative Systems (Q&A) One Week Series - MGSU University

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Product Code: 2085
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BA-PART-3 Public Administration -Comparative Administrative Systems (Q&A) One Week Series - MGSU University

 Comparative Administrative Systems (Question-Answer Series) One Week Series


PAPER I Comparative Administrative Systems

3 hrs. duration Max. Marks 100

The question paper shall contain three sections . Section A shall contain 10 questions two from each unit of 2 marks each,.

The candidate is required to answer all the questions. The answers should not exceed 50 words. Section B shall contain 5

questions one from each unit with internal choice. Each question shall be of 7 marks. The answers should not exceed 200

words. The candidate is required to answer all the questions. Section C shall contain 5 questions of 15 marks each, one

from each unit. The candidate is required to answer any three questions. The answer shall not exceed 500 words.

Unit I

Comparative Administration : Concept, Nature, Scope and Significance. Features of Administration of developing and

developed societies. Contribution of F.W. Riggs. Salient features of the Constitution of U.K., U.S.A. and France.

Unit II

A comparative study of powers and position of President of India and U.S.A. . Parliamentary system in U.K. and Presidential

system in U.S.A. and France.

Unit III

Salient features of Administrative system of : U.K., U.S.A., France, China and Nepal with particular reference to central

administration and nature and role of civil services.

Unit IV

Treasury and cabinet Secretariat in Great Britain. Independent Regulatory Commissions in the U.S.A.. Executive office of

the President of U.S.A..

Unit V

Counseil d’ etat in France. Swedish Ombudsman. Lokpal in India. State Administration in USA. State Department in USA

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