M.ED - Introduction to Research Methods -अनुसंधान विधियों का परिचय (HINDI MEDIUM) (Q & A) One week series -Rajasthan University

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M.ED - Introduction to Research Methods -अनुसंधान विधियों का परिचय (HINDI MEDIUM) (Q & A) One week series -Rajasthan University

Introduction to Research Methods - M.Ed.

This One Week Series is Written in Hindi Language in Question Answer Series According to syllabus of Rajasthan , Maharaja Gangasingh , Jai Narayan Vyas , Maharishi , Kota , Mohanlal Sukhadia University. 

(Introduction to Research Methods)

Course content

Unit-1 Structuring  Educational Research

Part-A Nature of research, knowledge and inquiry: Nature of knowledge and its sources (Instinct, reason, intuition etc.) Scientific method of inquiry (Authority, Intuition, Tenacity, Rationalism, Empiricism) and their role in knowledge generation, Meaning, nature & need of research nature, scope and significance of Educational Research, Major orientation in Educational Research : Philosophical, Sociological, Psychological, technological and Management etc. Types of Researches : Fundamental, Applied Action Research, Quantitative & Qualitative.

Part-B Research Problem: Sources for identifying the research problem, Characteristics of a good research problem, Scientific steps of Research, Reviewing Literature (online database, encyclopedia, etc.) Ethical issues in Research- Plagiarism, APA guideline for human participants in research.

Unit-II Design in Educational Research

Part-A Quantitative Research : Descriptive research. Subcategories of Descriptive Research: Surveys, Correlation Studies, Ex-post facto research, Historical research (Meaning, steps, significance, primary and secondary sources and internal and external criticism). Experimental Research. Experimental design, Quasi Experimental Desi Factorial Design, Single-subjects design, Controlling, Extraneous and intervening variables.

Part-B Qualitative Research : Case studies (Developmental and longitudinal), Ethnographic studies, phenomenological research and naturalistic inquiry. Grounded theory, Policy research.

Part-C Mixed Research: Meaning, fundamentals principals, strength and weakness, types and limitations.

Unit-III Variables, Hypothesis, Population & Sample 10 hours

Part-A  Variables: Meaning definition and types of variables. (Independent, dependent, Extraneous, Intervening, Confounding etc.)

Part-B Hypothesis : Meaning and difference between assumptions, postulates and Meaning and types of hypothesis : Difference between positive and null Characteristics of good hypothesis, Hypothesis testing, Types of errors : Type I and Type II

Part-C Populations and Samples : Population and Simple, Characteristics of a good Sample,Simple procedure.

Unit-IV Tools and Methods of data collection

Part-A Tools : Types of Tools, Standardize & Non-Standardize Tests, Construction of Questionnaire, Interview, Rating Scale, Observation, Attitude Scale, Schedule, and Sociometry.

Part-B Validity, Reliability & Objectivity of a Test, Adaptation of a Test

Unit-V Writing of Research Proposals, Recent trends in Education

Part-A Writing of Research Proposals : Identification of a research topic : Sources & need, Review of related literature, Rationale and need of the study, Concept operational definition of the term, Variables, Research question, aims objective and hypotheses, Delimitation, Methodology, samples, tools, Scope, Limitation, delimitation Significance of the study, Bibliography, Time frame, Budget if any and chapter

Part-B Recent trends in Education : History of Research, Education Research i

Education research in Abroad, Futuristic Trends of educational Research.

Session :

*Review of literature on any area of research (Reference and biblography)


*Concept map of any area of research methods.                                                                                    





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