M.ED -Psychology of Learning and Development- अधिगम और विकास का मनोविज्ञान (HINDI MEDIUM) (Q & A) One week series -Rajasthan University

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M.ED -Psychology of Learning and Development- अधिगम और विकास का मनोविज्ञान (HINDI MEDIUM) (Q & A) One week series -Rajasthan University

Psychology of Learning & Development - M.Ed.

सीखने और विकास का मनोविज्ञान

This One Week Series is Written in Hindi Language in Question Answer Series According to syllabus of Rajasthan , Maharaja Gangasingh , Jai Narayan Vyas , Maharishi , Kota , Mohanlal Sukhadia University. 


Course content

Unit-I Educational psychology and issues to Human Development

Part-A Meaning and concerns of education psychology. Contribution of various schools with

reference to teaching learning: Structuralism, Functionalism, Behaviorism, Gestalt, Psychoanalytic, Humanistic and Constructivism.

Part-B Methods in psychology-Survey, Observation, Clinical, Case Study and Experimental Part-C Concept of Individual differences : Meaning, Causes and their Educational Implications

(with special reference to mental retarded, gifted & delinquent).

Unit-II Cognitive aspects of an individual

Part-A Cognitive development : Cognitive process-Perception, Attention, Memory

Development of concepts. Logical-Reasoning. Critical-Thinking, Development of concepts. Strategies for Teaching concepts. Problem Solving. Decision Making. Critical appraisal and comparative study of piaget. Bruner & Vygotsky with reference to multiple

school contexts of Bharat.

Part-B Intelligence : Nature, Impact of Heredity and environment of intelligence. Theorics

Multiple intelligence. PASS (Planning Attention Arousal and simultaneous successive

model). Types of intelligence-Emotional. Social Spiritual and Artificial.

Part-C Creativity : Effect of school environment of creativity. Curriculum for pupils teachers

based on Creativity Enhancement. Measurement of creativity and Co-relation of creativity with intelligence.

Unit-III Paradigms of Learning

Part-A Learning : Meaning, affecting factors, types and learning styles.

Part-B  Learning theories with educational Implication : Gthries's Theory, Tolemens' Theory, Verbal Learning, Concept Learning, Skill Learning.

Part-C Transfer of Learning : Factors, theories & their implication for teachers

Unit-IV Personality and Motivation

Personality : Definition and nature, Theories-Psychoanalytical : Classical a Freudian, Humanistic : Roger and Maslow's, Biological, Genetic : Eysenck A Theory and Zuckerman's Theory, Social - Cognitive Theory Bandura's T Personality Traits by Carl Jung's (Extroversion v/s introversion, Sensing v/s Intuition, Thinking v/s Feelings, Perceiving v/s judging), Assessment of Personality.

Motivation : Instinct, Need, Drive, Motives, Maslow's Need Hierarchy. Achievement motivation by Mc-Cleland and educational implications, interest and aspiration Assessment of Motivation.

Unit-V Applications of psychology to bealth and education

Adjustment: Concept, definition, Factors affecting, adjustment (Frustration & Conflict Ego-Defense mechanism, Identification and education of maladjusted children. Stress, Sources of Stress, Stress management technique, Anxiety, Forms Anxiety : Panic and phobia, Vocational Guidance & Career Counseling.


Promoting of positive health and well being: Mental health & hygiene Resilleiend Theory of Seligman, Positive thinking.





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